Critical Digital Education for all

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Why has the right to quality education not been a priority in the digital rights agenda? What are the obstacles to include issues of the growing field of digital rights in educational strategies?

The Critical Digital Education for all campaign aims to raise awareness and generate conversation around the right to quality education in the digital age. Digital education considers teaching and learning with and about digital technologies. However, strategies globally have been minimal, favoring teaching with digital technologies and a knowledge for the tech labour market. This has facilitated what Zuboff has defined as a ‘division of learning’ amplifying social injustices by privileging the economic power of a small group of corporations and governments.

Starting in coalition with RightsCon 2023 Costa Rica, JAAKLAC initiative launched the CDE for all campaign to activate a global movement closing digital divides in education. This was coordinated with activists and youth from Latin America including several actions in research, education, community and advocacy. Main results were captured in blogs and podcasts to expand the community in the region. The campaign was reiterated at the Feira Global Gathering in Portugal (2023) and in ACM FAccT Rio (2024).

CDE for all is an invitation to other regions to share their contexts, actions and points of view to materialize an education that promotes critical thinking, human rights and participation in digital societies.

!! Discover more about the CDE for All campaign story !!

Situated Actions

Podcast: Datalat: Digital voices, active citizenship - in Spanish Chat with Shéridan Medina: Margarita Yépez, Susana Cadena and Ana Aguilera from Fundación Datalat.

Podcast: CDE | Digital Education addressing platform labour precarity - in English Chat: Caroline Gomes from the Institute of Technology and Society (ITS) in Brazil and Alexandra Manteescu from Data & Society.

Blog 6: Perspectives on critical digital education with youth and civil society in Brazil Author: Soledad Magnone

Podcast: Perspectivas da Educação Digital Crítica para jovens e sociedade civil no Brasil - in Portuguese Chat: André Cardozo Sarli, Laís Pinheiro and youth from the NUCA in Vitória da Conquista and the Liga de Jovens Baianos.

Blog 5: Oficinas EDC Research, Education and Activism Author: Soledad Magnone

Podcast: CDE Conversatory International Children’s Day - in Spanish Chat: activists, adolescents and youth from Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay.

Blog 4: Who can support the promotion of critical digital education? Author: Fiorella Ferrari

Podcast: Advocating for critical digital education from Peru - in Spanish Chat: Fiorella Ferrari and Yadira from Quinta Ola.

Blog 3: How can the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child foster digital education? Author: Soledad Magnone

Podcast: Bolivian youth: realities and visions of the digital world - in Spanish Chat: Lis Balbachán with Kaique, Camilo, Wara and Nathaly from Coroico and the Asociación Aguayo.

Podcast: Change and socialising: the internet and adolescence in Bolivia - in Spanish Chat: Camilo Arratia and adolescents from Villamontes with whom Asociación Aguayo works.

Podcast: Experiences of students in Ecuador during the pandemic - in Spanish Chat: Luis Fernando Arias and students from the Educational Unit Jaime Roldós Aguilera.

Blog 2: What are the educational gaps in digital Latin America? Authors: Lu An Mendez y Camilo Arratia

Podcast: RODDNA intertwined with education in Ecuador - in Spanish Chat: Alonso, María, Samanta, Ariana and Gabriela from RODDNA.

Blog 1: Why is education important?. Authors: Edda Forero, Azeneth, David Aragort and Soledad Magnone

Be part of the dialogue

  • Amplify the campaign, share our blogs and podcasts, other organisations' resources and your perspectives with the Communications Kit. Use it in Spanish or Portuguese, translate or remix it!

  • Stay tuned for our actions and allies @jaaklac #DigitalEducation #EducacionDigital

  • Send you comments, questions or ideas to jallalla [at] jaaklac [dot] org

Campaign Allies

Laís Pinheda from NUCA Victoria da Conquista, Liga de Jovens Bahianos, Shéridan Medina, Daniela Salas André Sarli, Caroline Gomes from ITS Conecta Trabalhadores, Alexandra Mateescu from Data & Society, Fiorella Ferrari, Lorena Zegarra, Lucia Leon of Hiperderecho, Lu An Mendez and Camilo Arratia of Fundación Internet Bolivia, Azeneth, Edda Forero and David Aragort of Causas Digitales, RODDNA, Luis Fernando Arias of Conexion Educativa, Mar Marin, Merybell Reynoso of Amnesty Latin America, Pablo Medina of CLIP, Helderyse Rendall of Tactical Tech, Gus of Proyecto Tor, Código Sur, Carlos Martínez of Cooperativa Tierra Común, Livio Liechti of HIVOS and Javier Ruíz Díaz of Consumers International.

Updated: 21.02.25