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Main Projects, Alies and Lessons Learnt

Discover also our Community and its iterations with the 2024 Intentions with different efforts that we want to keep, change and try.


Critical Digital Education for All
  • What? Raises awareness and facilitates conversations around the right to a quality education in the digital age. Digital education entails teaching and learning with and about digital technology, a critical standpoint focusses on understanding the effects and encouraging a participation to materialise a change towards social justice.

  • How? Kickstarting at RightsCon Costa Rica, to investigate the advances, deficits and problematise its implications. Exchanging opinions with Latin American youth and civil society organizations, to delve deeper and capture results in blogs and podcasts. Inviting other regions to share their contexts, actions and points of view to promote critical thinking, human rights and participation in digital societies.

  • Who? Fiorella Ferrari, Lorena Zegarra, Lucia Leon of Hiperderecho, Lu An Mendez and Camilo Arratia of Fundación Internet Bolivia, Azeneth, Edda Forero and David Aragort of Causas Digitales, Luis Fernando Arias of Conexion Educativa, Mar Marin, Merybell Reynoso of Amnesty Latin America, Pablo Medina of CLIP, Helderyse Rendall of Tactical Tech, Gus of Proyecto Tor, Código Sur, Carlos Martínez of Cooperativa Tierra Común, Livio Liechti of HIVOS and Javier Ruíz Díaz of Consumers International.

Be part of the dialogue

Follow the results on the CDE website and social media of JAAKLAC (@jaaklac #EducacionDigital #DigitalEducation) and partner organisations.

We are waiting for you! Send us your ideas, questions or comments to jallalla [at] jaaklac [dot] org.

Latine Data Detox Saga
  • What? Share experiences and recommendations on digital privacy, security, wellbeing and disinformation developed by and for youth in Latin America.

  • How? By co-creating a digital campaign based on character stories designed with young people and organisations in the region adapting the Data Detox Kit (DDK). We launched the digital campaign between October 10-21, 2022 on Instagram (Causas Digitales and JAAKLAC initiative) and Twitter. The campaign is a continuation of the similarly focused project that we implemented in 2021.

  • Who? Coordinated between JAAKLAC and Causas Digitales with the support of Tactical Tech.

Learn more about the stories of Yosi, Ale, Zuri and Alan and the organisations that were part of the Latine Data Detox Saga team.

No Minor Futures
  • What? Global educational campaign to showcase the strengths and shortcomings of digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for children and adolescents.

  • How? Based on animated character stories, podcasts, online workshops and a social media campaign co-created with adolescents and organisations from different regions of the world.

  • Who? Coordinated by JAAKLAC in collaboration with Teen Spirit participants, young influencers, Fix the Code, Derechos Digitales, Data & Society, Adéṣínà Ayẹni, Hyperaudio and WILD FI. Mozilla Foundation Creative Media Award 2022.

Tune in to the stories and educational resources in NMF’s website. Learn more about the activities and rationale of the campaign in our blog. Discover more at the Global Voices article How young people around the world experience AI, in their own word.

Digital CSE: a guide on Digital Comprehensive Sexuality Education for adolescents
  • What? Educational guide on CSE and human rights, sexual risks on the internet for adolescents, and ways to prevent and minimise harm from digital violence.

  • How? Implementing digital, face-to-face and hybrid workshops to co-create the guide, develop digital competencies and learn about the topics addressed.

  • Who? Coordinated by JAAKLAC in collaboration with adults and adolescents from the organisations IPRU, Pensamiento Colectivo, Liceo Espigas, Conexión Educativa, Durazno Studio and WILD FI.

Learn more about the relevance and process of ESI Digital in our blog post. Download the guide in its digital and printable versions and access its glossary and additional materials at the ESI Digital website (Spanish, Castilian). Contact us if you want to access the English translation of the guide.

Children’s privacy and data protection policies: Let’s Do It Together!
  • What? We explore the possibilities of digital education practices that can raise the awareness and amplify the participation in the data protection/privacy policies in relation to children and adolescents.

  • How? Interactive online activities about the increasing ‘datafication’ of individuals, main dimensions of rights-based policies to mitigate its negative implications, and the relevance of children’s participation in its process. Activities are co facilitated by youth from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • Who? Participants of various ages and levels of experience in these issues. People interested in experimenting with solutions that include young people’s voices in decision-making processes and promote the formalisation of critical digital education policies and practices.

  • Previous partners: Read our blogposts with materials and experiences in MozFest 2021 and RightsCon 2021.

Understanding the Internet. Networks for all
  • What? Promote a greater understanding of the internet and alternatives to connect communities.

  • How? Workshops about the internet governance, human rights online and alternatives to connect communities, such as mesh networks. Hands on and collaborative activities to progress in the design of projects based on alternative network technologies that can solve local problems.

  • Who? Educators and students from all ages from formal and informal sectors.

  • Previous partners: LACNIC 2.0 Leaders programme (2020-2021) for the project Glocal Mesh LAC.

Digital Causes. Human Rights

  • What? To forward a broader understanding of minors’ rights and skills to promote these in digital spaces.

  • How? Webinars about the United Nation’s (UN) Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC), critical aspects of it in digital spaces and strategies to redress dominant approaches. The group will progress in the design and implementation of a digital campaign in collaboration between minors’ and adults on a topic of choice within the frame of the project.

  • Who? Educators from formal and informal sectors, children and adolescents.

  • Previous partners: Red Con Causa (2020). Committee of the Rights of the Child Uruguay (CDNUruguay) (2020).

Learn more about the Causas Digitales project and youth group in this blog article.